January 16, 2023


Newark‭, ‬NJ‭, ‬January 17‭, ‬2023‭ ‬‮–‬‭ ‬Murphy Schiller‭ ‬&‭ ‬Wilkes‭ (‬MSW‭) ‬is pleased to announce that Christopher A‭. ‬Watson has joined the firm as Director of Planning and Development Services‭. ‬In this role‭, ‬Christopher will help clients navigate the ever-complicated‭ ‬bureaucratic maze associated with New Jersey’s real estate development process‭. ‬With a special focus on the City of Newark‭ ‬‮–‬‭ ‬New Jersey’s largest city‭ ‬‮–‬‭ ‬his role at the firm will involve advising clients in all aspects of development planning and implementation‭. ‬Whether helping a client through the initial design phase‭, ‬the site plan approval process‭, ‬securing permits‭, ‬or obtaining a certificate of occupancy‭, ‬his unparalleled understanding of the people and the process involved will make him a valuable part of any‭ ‬project team‭. ‬

Prior to joining MSW‭, ‬Christopher served as City Planning Officer‭ (‬Director of City Planning‭) ‬for the City of Newark‭, ‬New Jersey‭. ‬In that capacity he was able to advance key policy initiatives for the administration of Mayor Ras J‭. ‬Baraka‭, ‬including the adoption of the City’s latest ten-year master plan‭, ‬Newark360‭, ‬the winner of New Jersey’s American Planning Association 2022‭ ‬Planning Excellence award for Plan of the Year‭. ‬He is a national subject matter expert in planning and development‭. ‬“We are incredibly excited to have Christopher Watson join our growing team‭. ‬He is a seasoned professional‭, ‬who has played in active role in shaping the Newark skyline under Mayor Baraka’s administration‭. ‬His experience will be instrumental in our continued commitment to providing clients with strategies to expedite the development process‭,‬”‭ ‬says Chris J‭. ‬Murphy‭, ‬partner and leader of the firm’s Land Use‭, ‬Zoning and Redevelopment practice group‭.

Murphy Schiller‭ ‬&‭ ‬Wilkes LLP is a boutique law firm specializing in commercial real estate and development matters‭. ‬Headquartered in Newark‭, ‬NJ‭, ‬the firm was founded to provide effective‭, ‬efficient‭, ‬and creative legal services to meet the distinctive needs‭ ‬of our clients‭. ‬Through the development of comprehensive legal strategies‭, ‬our team works tirelessly to create a blueprint for‭ ‬success and advance our clients’‭ ‬interests in every matter‭. ‬For press inquiries‭, ‬please feel free to call Chris Murphy at‭ (‬973‭) ‬705-7421‭ ‬or email cmurphy@murphyllp.com‭. ‬

Murphy Schiller & Wilkes LLP (MSW) is a boutique law firm servicing the commercial real estate and construction industries. Headquartered in Newark, New Jersey, the firm represents a wide range of clients, including institutional, publicly traded real estate companies, international and regional lenders, national contractors and subcontractors, and family offices. The firm has been ranked as a top law firm by both Chambers & Partners and U.S. News & World Report.